Today i interviewed by Tarun, his research is about collaborative learning environnment, so he wants to know our opinion about using Sakai. I think in-depth interview is a quite suitable research method for him, becuz he is so friendly that everyone can share their feeling in front of him without pressure.
In terms of my reearch, the progress somehow makes me feel dejected. This is my second research book, even i feel much clear about research strategy ,approach and procedure than i read the first book, however, it is not clear enough to come up a good research design. Now the only thing i make sure is that my case study strategy . Interview and document are the essential data collection approaches, but i dont know whether i have to do netnography or not. The worst part is the data analysis, i totally cant understand what they are talking about, even i read in chinese document.....hermeneutics,Semiotics or narrative analysis... The reason behind this is that i dont understand the fundemental philosophy of my research, positivism,interpretivism or critical one... they are too philosophic and beyond my knowledge!!!!
Today i just stayed at library for 6 hours, and the time i really spend on stuying i guess is 4 hours...
as soon as there was some problem of wireless, i decide to go back.. i dont know why i rely on internet so much, even though i know maybe studying without internet will be more productive...and even i think i have keep reading after i go back, but now i just lying on bed and writing this diary ...Orz.. really lack self-discipline
Baked a banana cake then, i tried to make the "2 layers" banana chocolate cake for 3 times, all of them failed><... so today i just bakee a simple one and quite successful. my chinese flatmate said it si yummy somehow feel relax becuz she is always critical about food dont know why gave her actually... maybe want to be challenge xd>
I will read some papers which apply case study as their strategy and try to find out how they analyze data, hope i can achieve this goal tomorrow. Reseach is lonely and full of difficulites, but i cant lose my heart.
I love shopping, i love internet, i love taiwan, i want to work in china
so i must can do a good job!!
- Jun 11 Fri 2010 03:55