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Lake District

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Under pass

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wendy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

i got some agency phone interviews before
but today is company phone interview,

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  • Aug 05 Thu 2010 02:19
  • stable

sometime i feel that i am confident about my future
sometimes i am pessimistic

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i haven't write anything since i came back from the London trip with lili
too lazy? too busy?

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wendy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Mary asked me to give her slides for 7/9 presentation on 7/5, and finish literature reveiw on 7/13. Somehow feel good, because i finally need to write something. However, it also means that i hv to keep reading while traveling with lili. Lili said it is impossible to work during travel, but i feel it is ok, becuz stores close very early in the uk, normlly nothing to do in the nite time.Last Christmas, i even read paper in YHA's pub with Ruby , so... no problem i think XDDD.

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Today i went to South Lakes Wild Animal Park. i planned to go there with few cute tw girls 2 weeks ago, but the bad ebay seller didnt send me the 2 for 1 voucher on time, so we canceled the tirp. After that day, everyone became busy, and yesterday is the expire day of the voucher, so  i can just go with Nay. He is my best friend in Lancaster. Even though i felt guilty to go out with a male friend, but giraffees are too appealing to me... sorry baby>
It is not far from lancaster, we took a local train and it stopped at every samll station .After 50 mins travel, we arrived Dalton staion

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Even i stayed in library since 13:00, but don't know why today's status is not good. Felt sleepy all the time, lack of patience, cant calm down my mind and focus my study, the only feeling stuck in my brain is 好煩好煩好煩 .When i really concentrate on my work, it was already near 17:00.

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suffering from the uncertainty of dissertation now!!My mood is up and down becuz of  participants' attitude,Please accept my interview!!!!!

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It was the third meeting. In the first meeting i told her the area i want to research, i thought  it was my research topic alreday, but she asked me to narrow down. It was really a tough time, becuz i didnt now how to narrow down it and set the clear research question. Luckily just before 2 days of the second meeting, i got some ideas and company staff who are willing to be interviewed. Then in the second meeinng my primary research question finally decided. After that i was keep reading on research method and other literature related to my topic. Yesterday i discuss my primary research design and those  questions which confused me with her.

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  • Jun 14 Mon 2010 06:02
  • 79

this morning chatted with Feng by Skype, felt somehow relax, it is so lucky that i hv a friend to talk when i almost cant breathe. Thank u so much!! Really looking forward to travel in Europe with u~~ no matter north europe , holland , german or france.

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should i wirte them together? then if i want to enjoy the good memory , bad memory must come together..anyway, it is not really bad memory, just something shocks me very mcuh

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  • Jun 12 Sat 2010 04:49
  • 81

I went to the dentist today, this is the last treatment, and i hope i dont need to go there again!!
I paid 274 pounds for one tooth's root canal treatment,which is really expensive. However, it is such a mercy that the dentist's skill is quite good, at least after the first treatment, i didnt feel painful at all. Another feeling from this experience is that im a very lucky girl that i have a dad treat me so nice, when i told him i have to pay 500 pound for treatment by MSN, the only sentence showed on the screen is "SWIPE IT", i almost cried out at the moment i saw the sentence, he didnt blame or angry at me...so touching.... i hope when i got master degree i can start wrok as soon as possible, becuz i know my dad really want to retire from the work.

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  • Jun 11 Fri 2010 03:55
  • 82

Today i interviewed by Tarun, his research is about collaborative learning environnment, so he wants to know our opinion about using Sakai. I think in-depth interview is a quite suitable research method for him, becuz he is so friendly  that everyone can share their feeling in front of him without pressure.

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  • Jun 10 Thu 2010 02:53
  • 83

I wrote a diary in english, unfortunately , i closed the window accidentally when i almost finished this article
all words gone

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