I went to the dentist today, this is the last treatment, and i hope i dont need to go there again!!
I paid 274 pounds for one tooth's root canal treatment,which is really expensive. However, it is such a mercy that the dentist's skill is quite good, at least after the first treatment, i didnt feel painful at all. Another feeling from this experience is that im a very lucky girl that i have a dad treat me so nice, when i told him i have to pay 500 pound for treatment by MSN, the only sentence showed on the screen is "SWIPE IT", i almost cried out at the moment i saw the sentence, he didnt blame or angry at me...so touching.... i hope when i got master degree i can start wrok as soon as possible, becuz i know my dad really want to retire from the work.
My research today is somehow better. In the morning i got a "secret document" from one of my interview participant. This paper contains a lot stastics and references about China online market. I feel that it is my desitny to do the topic, or i couldnt meet this participant by accident. Following the paper, i search for more information about china online market, especially fashion sector, and i found i dont need to do too much sesearch on it, becuz there are already many ready-to-use reports.
After that business report, i start reading an academic paper also relating to China market. Even though it is not a well-done work for me, but it mentions a framework developed by a famous scholar which really faciliate my thinking
Following by that, i found a dissertation which talking about the winner and failer of e-business. I hope i can finish tmr.
Actually i want to read papers which using case study and interview approach on e-commerce topic, so that i can understand how to adopt the research method as well as gain the knowledge relating to my topic. However, i didnt get one, hope that it is becuz my bad search skill, not becuz case study and qualitative method are not suitable for e-commerce research.
Today's progress is that i come up some interview questions based on empirical and academic work, not by my imagination.
Recently i always wear high heels, even it is painful.. but dont know why, i feel more confident.. hahaha, and they are really trendy , i hope i can get used to them soon.
Bad thing happend today is that i want to cash money from the ATM near my flat and buy the GSA trip ticket, however, it is out of service, and i have no time to go to another machine, becuz the office close soon. I was worried about that they will be sold out on Monday. Therefore, even i feel very embarassed, i still asked my flatmate Amy's help after a few mintutes thinking. Fortunately she was at room and willing to help me>///
Tmr i will go to town, the only thing i want to buy is mango... please please, mango come to town tmr!!
- Jun 12 Sat 2010 04:49