It was the third meeting. In the first meeting i told her the area i want to research, i thought it was my research topic alreday, but she asked me to narrow down. It was really a tough time, becuz i didnt now how to narrow down it and set the clear research question. Luckily just before 2 days of the second meeting, i got some ideas and company staff who are willing to be interviewed. Then in the second meeinng my primary research question finally decided. After that i was keep reading on research method and other literature related to my topic. Yesterday i discuss my primary research design and those questions which confused me with her.
She told me that i dont really have to care about philosophical assumption, all i need to do is explain why and how i use interview and case studies clearly. Even it is still difficult, but much simpler than thinking about philosophy things XDD. Furthermore, she confirms that it is not neceesary to do the strict comparison between participants in qualitative method, becuz participants may stress on differnet part,not like quantitative method that everyone should answer same question by same way. Her answer really relieve my worries. Maybe in my deep mind im a positivist, so i felt unsafe about the unstructured reearch outcome. However, compared with quantitative cold number, i really prefer interpreted ,descriptive and narrative stories, much interesting, right? hahaha
In terms of interview design, she thought that my way of investgating the similarites and differences between marketplace and sellers is queite ok.
She also demostrated how she does the reference work, she suggested me write "why it is important""what it add to the content" and "how to use it" for every article i read, so that i can find them easily.
Im also surprised that she uses google document as heavily as me XDDD, even though i use gd just becuz my ms word have broken = =
After the meeting i took long rest and went to lib, reading on a thesis talking about successful factors in e-business. However i still cant fully concentrate, maybe it is becuz i just finish the meeting. Worst of all, my thai friend was not concentrte on his study at all! He wanted to know what product in Taobao is from Thailand, and we played a lot= = The thesis also written by a thai, and he played a joke on me that my life is surrounding by thai 囧
Somehow felt a bit sad that why my best friend in lancaster is a man....... really admire those people have small group with same gender..even this feeling i should be very familiar with, becuz i hv more male friends since in junior high school?? sigh... anyway. hv male friend still better than hv no friend.
Even it seems like everything goes well~but i have very limited time, hv to speed up!!
- Jun 15 Tue 2010 17:37
78 the third meeting