Even i stayed in library since 13:00, but don't know why today's status is not good. Felt sleepy all the time, lack of patience, cant calm down my mind and focus my study, the only feeling stuck in my brain is 好煩好煩好煩 .When i really concentrate on my work, it was already near 17:00.

Seems like no great progress today, good thing is that Taobao's staff confirms that he can be interviewed. Now even Sephora refuse me, i still can keep using the service quality gap framework, just need to limit the scope in Taobao, even it is  a pity that give up a good interviewee.

Other progress is that i think the chance i use  case study as research strategy and narrative analysis as data analysis technique is 95%. I hope i dont neeed to change again. it is really tired to understand every method...... Furthermore, my philosophical assumption is also become clear now, i think it is a interpretive research.

Today i  write a bit, hope i can copy and paste to my mothodology part in the future.

I asked my bf's opinion, he thinks my research is difficult to creat value, becuz channels and sellers alreday know the gaps. Really? i dont know, maybe yes maybe not. He said that it is not neccessory to wirte a really good dissertation, becuz no one can generate  great value in master degree dissertation, the important thing is to know how to invesgate the relationship between channels and customers by scientific way, not by instinct or imagination.

He thinks this topic is good for myself. I know its true, however, it is somehow sad that i need to accept the truth that i cant write a dissertation which can contribute to the world. My friend said that a research which only good for researcher itself is useless. Anyway, maybe it just becuz i overestimated what a master student can do at first, so feel depressed now. Even though i also think that this research is good for myself.

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