目前分類:○蘭卡日記○ (54)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-02-22 yes! it is Lancaster 鄰居篇 (our neighbors) (735) (0)
2011-02-22 yes! it is Lancaster鎮上篇 (our town) (1067) (1)
2011-02-22 yes! it is Lancaster校園篇 (our uni) (2104) (1)
2011-01-23 英國碩士論文心得 (9801) (3)
2010-08-18 telephone interview (91) (0)
2010-08-05 stable (111) (1)
2010-08-02 dissertation (54) (0)
2010-08-01 i should write something (17) (0)
2010-06-26 蘭卡介紹-食+雜貨(未完) (163) (3)
2010-06-25 69 Travel with dissertation/4th meeting (21) (0)
2010-06-19 75 South Lakes Wild Animal Park (6) (0)
2010-06-18 76 what is the contribution of a master dissertation (13) (1)
2010-06-17 77 uncertainty (9) (0)
2010-06-15 78 the third meeting (16) (0)
2010-06-14 79 (9) (1)
2010-06-13 80 good thing bad thing (79) (1)
2010-06-12 81 (10) (1)
2010-06-11 82 (14) (0)
2010-06-10 83 (14) (1)
2010-06-05 論文計畫 (68) (0)
2010-06-01 昨日爆點 (88) (2)
2010-05-17 蘭卡lancaster心得(e-business & innovation) (1327) (11)
2010-03-22 easter plan (38) (2)
2010-02-01 火鍋趴 (34) (1)
2010-02-01 不管多苦都要撐下去唷 (84) (1)
2010-01-24 ebin-理論?實務? (107) (1)
2010-01-24 新學期新目標 (63) (0)
2009-12-03 our group (54) (3)
2009-11-01 炫耀 (84) (0)
2009-10-26 該做多少 (70) (0)
2009-10-26 沒人要的social shopping (114) (0)
2009-10-26 難過 (60) (0)
2009-10-26 大哭了 (87) (1)
2009-10-14 囧到爆之大家skype要關好 (93) (1)
2009-10-12 一切就從流水帳開始 (76) (1)
2009-09-22 英國人力銀行網站 (202) (1)
2009-07-28 注意事項(from hello uk) (1793) (1)
2009-07-28 生活費相關 (156) (0)
2009-04-05 耶比!!蘭卡我來了 (212) (4)
2009-03-23 從鼻子酸上來 (93) (3)
2009-03-22 清大大QQ (118) (1)
2009-03-20 阿呀呀呀呀 (64) (0)
2009-03-17 Q Q (51) (1)
2009-02-11 第二天 (74) (0)
2009-02-06 未知的英國之路 (211) (1)
2009-01-20 Leeds con. offer (192) (0)
2009-01-14 ielts真的要加油了.. (137) (0)
2008-12-18 我又找到原因了!! (43) (2)
2008-12-17 正確來說 (43) (1)
2008-12-06 終於 (33) (0)
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